Project Mawashi

The Way of Karate

Heian Shodan: Key Points

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I consider this kata to be the epitome of Shotokan karate. It is very basic but very dynamic in its movements. Although a beginners kata, there is much to be learnt from this form.

Performance: It has a rough “H shaped” footprint, which tends to take up plenty of space. Each technique should be fully completed without rushing the form, especially the shutos at the end.

Application: For beginners there is plenty of practise of upper, middle and lower blocks. At an intermediate level the oi-zuki becomes quite useful. This is very under utilized in free sparring, however if executed in an explosive manner at medium to close range there is a suprisingly good chance of it landing. The key to this is to go in low (don’t ever let the hips rise) and hard.

Technical: Like the other Heians, this kata is a “gateway” kata that will build a platform for the more advanced forms, especially the “heavier kata” (such as Jion, Sochin and Kanku Sho). It makes sense if you training any of these forms to first warm up with Heian Shodan. At an intermediate level you should focus on having full “hamni to shomen” action of the hips in the oi- zukis. This will help develop solid power.

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