Project Mawashi

The Way of Karate


Heian Sandan: Key Points

The third in the Heian series. I must confess that this is NOT my favourite kata to performs. However despite my prejudices, it is a very useful kata.

Performance: Fairly linnear footprint. LIke the other Heians this kata should never be rushed. Careful attention should be given to the kiba dachi’s as this can ruin the form. It is also best to keep the movements relaxed, yet compact.

Application. Many of the applications are not as obvious as the other Heians. My favourite must be the three elbow blocks. As long as you keep the rear hand as a guard this can be a useful chudan block during free sparring if a quick evasive action is included. Another good way to use it is as a quick locking technique. This requires good mastery of the hips in the kiba dachi and keeping the arms compact. See HERE for a visual version.

Technical: Heian Sandan acts as a useful gateway kata for Jion, Kanku Dai, Gankaku and others.  It helps to develop a good kiba dachi and introduces full rotational techique (i.e. spinning hammer fist).